
11 Organizational Hacks to Keep You Productive


When working on your own, you need to be productive. Yes, it’s convenient to greet the Amazon or UPS driver at your front door, drop the car off for a quick oil change, or take the dog for their morning outing. I had a friend long ago who was looking over my shoulder as I was working ask, “Are you making money doing that?” That statement has stuck in my mind for my entire entrepreneurial career...


I scour the Internet, talk with clients, and read the best books to bring you the latest, greatest stuff. These resources deal with entrepreneurship, freelancing, marketing, social media, best practices, business strategies, and, at times, fun topics.

My Passions

Content writer, editor, journalist, lead generator, direct response writer, digital marketing strategist, serial entrepreneur, technologist, nationally-known speaker, runner, and diehard Cubs fan.