Blogging on Medium – Part 3


4. How do I contact Medium’s customer support?

In the right sidebar, at the bottom, you’ll see Help listed in the footer.

Image courtesy of the author.

Choosing Help takes you to the Help Center homepage.

Image courtesy of the author.

Medium’s online Help is comprehensive and broken down into 11 sections. I have found Medium’s support team quick to reply.

Getting started

Getting started covers signing into Medium, using Medium, its membership options, and the glossary.

Managing your account

Managing your account involves dealing with your profile, creating story lists, controlling recommendations, and muting misbehaving users.


Reading covers navigating your homepage, reading stories, story recommendations, and listening to stories.

Managing stories

This section discusses your story and audience stats, and email subscriptions.

Writing & editing

Writing and editing talks about what you’d guess writing and editing your stories. It also covers Medium’s story editor, images, tags, embeds, and more.


Distribution covers what you need to know about distributing your stories to Medium’s general audience or through Publications.

Partner Program

Here Medium talks about the Partner Program and the ins and out of earning money from the stories you post at Medium.


This section includes everything you want to know about Publications and how to start your own.

Terms and Policies

Terms and Policies discuss Terms of Service, rules, privacy policy, and Partner Program Terms.


The Content area discusses guidelines, policies, extreme content, and best journalism practices.


The Safety section covers managing users’ responses and blocking abusive ones. It also talks about copyright infringement and data protection.

You can submit a request if you can’t find what you need.

Images courtesy of the author.

You are asked questions to see if the Hekop Center can steer you to the correct answer. If not, You can submit a request.

Image courtesy of the author.

5. How can I join’s Partner Program?

Writers at Medium can monetize their stories; they must be a member of the Partner Program. The number of readers who view, read, clap, comment, and highlight story content and an algorithm determines the percentage of money earned by each story. Medium disburses the earnings monthly.

Applying to the Partner Program


Any page -> Profile Picture -> Click Apply to the Partner Program

Clicking on Apply to the Partner Program displays Write. Connect. Earn.

Image courtesy of the author.

Choose Apply now, then click Start.

The Partner Program has three requirements:

1. Have at least 100 followers

2. Have published at least one story on Medium

3. Be at least 18 years old

When you meet these requirements, apply.

Once you let Medium know you meet the initial requirements, you’ll receive an email to complete the application process. Medium requires a Stripe account to transfer the funds. Once you’re accepted, you will need to file your tax information.

You can tell everything is set by clicking the Profile Picture Drop-down.

Has the prompt Apply to the Partner Program changed to Partner Program?

Has the Write. Connect. Earn. The screen changed to Your Partner Program earnings dashboard.

If so, you’re all set to start earning.

Navigating the Partner Program Dashboard


Any page -> Profile Picture -> Partner Program

Your Partner Program Earnings Dashboard outlines Payment preferences, Taxpayer information, Quick links to Tax FAQs, Dashboard FAQs, Curation guidelines and terms, Medium Partner Program FAQs, and a Leave Partner Program link.

The dashboard shows the upcoming earnings for each story.

You can also view the individual story stats to see which performs best.

Making a Story Eligible to Earn Money


Your Story page -> Publish -> Check Meter your story

You can make your story eligible to earn money at the time of publishing or change the metering setting after publication.

Image courtesy of the author.

I had over 70 stories published when I reached 100 followers and joined the Partner Program. I decided to meter my past stories so they could also start earning.


Profile Picture -> Stories -> Click Published

Once your list of published stories appears, you’ll have to do the following for each story you want to meter:

1. Click on an unmetered story.

2. You must be in edit mode to change the meter setting, so delete and reenter the same character in the story.

3. Now choose … -> Click Manage meter settings.

4. Check Meter your story and Save.

5. Continue this process for every unmetered story.

Image courtesy of the author.

About the author


I scour the Internet, talk with clients, and read the best books to bring you the latest, greatest stuff. These resources deal with entrepreneurship, freelancing, marketing, social media, best practices, business strategies, and, at times, fun topics.

By John


I scour the Internet, talk with clients, and read the best books to bring you the latest, greatest stuff. These resources deal with entrepreneurship, freelancing, marketing, social media, best practices, business strategies, and, at times, fun topics.

My Passions

Content writer, editor, journalist, lead generator, direct response writer, digital marketing strategist, serial entrepreneur, technologist, nationally-known speaker, runner, and diehard Cubs fan.